Siemens CDC

An Early Childhood Community

“The school for young children is extremely important to our understanding of certain factors including, what kind of future will we build for the children and with the children."

 -- Carlina Rinaldi

At Siemens Child Development Center we celebrate the joy and wonder of childhood. Our ongoing commitment to best practice creates a dynamic and welcoming environment for children’s first educational experience outside of the home. Since its inception in January 1992 as the Mentor Graphics Child Development Center, we have been committed to creating a learning community that supports working families in a full day, full year context that is organized around a strong understanding of the foundational time period of the early years, birth through five years of age.

We believe. . .

every child and family have the right to a safe, secure learning community that nurtures the whole child with a deep respect for individuals’ learning processes and careful attention to the continuity of relationships. Each child who enters our school community is viewed as an active participant in the learning journey. The curiosity, sense of wonder and theory building capacity of each child are the catalysts for the curriculum design. Knowledge is socially constructed over time through daily exploration, playful inquiry and in dialogue with people, materials and environments.

We value . . .

Belonging fostered by Connection and Respect

Collaboration grounded in Listening and Reflection

Inquiry driven by Curiosity, Creativity and Complexity

Joy amplified by Play 

Advocacy coupled with Stewardship

Our work is inspired . . .

by the municipal infant toddler centers and preschools of Reggio Emilia, Italy. Our on-going research has opened opportunities for dialogue and collegial exchange that have had a profound impact on our classroom environments, our attention to documentation, and our understanding of the role of the teacher as a co-researcher. As you walk through the doors of our school, we hope that our belief in the competence of children is visible through the strong presence of organization, aesthetics, uninterrupted spans of time for meaningful work and joyful play. Further theoretical foundations for our practice come from the work of Magda Gerber (RIE), Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Howard Gardner, and Richard Louv.

Mission statement

It is our mission to make a difference in the lives of children by being a leader in the implementation and modeling of a high quality, innovative and creative early childhood program; and to respond to the broader, contemporary family needs of our employees.

Reputation and Accreditation

Siemens Child Development Center is recognized as a leader in the field by Oregon’s Early Childhood Education community. We adhere to the highest standards set by the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) accreditation criteria and have an outstanding reputation in the Wilsonville community.

Siemens CDC,

an early childhood community

8005 SW Boeckman Rd

Wilsonville OR 97070

Phone: 503-685-4865

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